November 9-12, 2012
The Renfrew Center Foundation 22nd Annual Conference
What Do Women Really Eat: An Experiential Discussion
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Venue: Philadelphia Airport Marriott
Patients often wonder, “What do normal women, and therapists, really eat?” What can patients realistically anticipate in the process of recovery? This presentation offers an opportunity to safely discuss difficult, uncomfortable questions, including how we negotiate our own desires for food with our desire to feel good about our bodies and when, if at all, we should tell patients about our own eating patterns. Participants will be able to:
- Better understand what “healthy eating” really means.
- Discuss what, on average, is a “normal” amount of eating, and how that amount may or may not be what is nutritionally optimal for every individual.
- Address the question of why, how and when eating disorder professionals should introduce a discussion of their own relationship with food into their clinical work.
Join Judith Brisman, Ph.D. and Sondra Kronberg, MS, RD, CDN for the experiential discussion; What Do Women Really Eat?