Dr. Brisman will be presenting with Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor on Friday November 10th, 3:30-6:30pm,  a talk titled Clinical Supervision: Guidelines When Working with Eating Disordered Patients and Their Families. Evidence based data and clinical wisdom agree that recovery is  enhanced when family members are included in treatment.  However, clinicians often are challenged as to how to proceed. Drs. Brisman and Rabinor will offer principles of engagement and strategic interventions that guide the supervision of complex family cases. Discussion of participants’ treatment cases will be encouraged.

Dr. Judith Brisman will be presenting a workshop presentation with Melainie Rogers, R.D., titled  “You need what?!—Negotiating the needs of parents, kids and the therapeutic milieu”, at the Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association’s 22nd annual conference.

A presentation and open discussion with Dr. Jean Petrucelli regarding the treatment of families of the eating disordered patients.

Dr. Judith Brisman will be presenting The Treatment of Families—25 years of Questions and Answers. After 25 years of bringing together experts and luminaries who have advanced our field, the 2015 Renfrew Center Foundation Conference will provide opportunities for reflection and foresight – exploring the wisdom of the past and innovative perspectives for the future. Join us as we embrace the challenges ahead with an open spirit! Among the topics to be featured are somatic therapies, meditation and spirituality, neuroscience, family work, relational cultural therapy, recovered therapists, BED, current trends in research, HAES and the influence of feminism in treatment.


On january 28th, Dr. Brisman will be attending the upcoming professional visit at the Oliver Pyatt Center in Miami to learn about their new and ongoing programs, the Binge Eating Disorder Program, Embrace, and the new adolescent program, Clementine.

Dr. Brisman will be presenting at an all-weekend workshop at the Brookhaven Center for Counseling and Development. Dr. Brisman will be sharing the weekend talks with Dr. Lisa Director who is an expert in the treatment of substance abuse. For information, please contact the director of Brookhaven’s program, Dr. Marie Hoffman.

Effective treatment of eating disorders is both an art and a science. Yet there remains a gap between what research offers and what clients require. Clinicians are caught in a murky middle, making one critical decision after another – while continually managing their innermost feelings and fears. They must integrate their acquired wisdom and lived experience with the best evidence based care, knowing that neither alone may be sufficient. The “Practice” of Practice explores how eating disorder clinicians actually “mind the gap,” incorporating new approaches and research findings – all as they respond in real times, with real lives, in their offices each day. Dr. Judith Brisman will be presenting with Dr.Roger McFillin on the topic of CBT and Psychodynamic Treatment: Can we put down our Swords?


There is currently much controversy with regard to whether parents should be involved at all in their daughter or son’s treatment for an eating disorder. Approaches vary widely from family based treatments in which parents literally take responsibility for feeding their child to approaches that focus on parent-child separation, in which parents are instructed to stay out of the battles over food.  The three presenters will speak to the challenges involved with bringing these parents into and eventually out of treatment. Dynamics surrounding envy and competition, self care and self harm, family roles and expectations, as well as complications in the transference/countertransference matrix will be discussed. Clinical vignettes will be used to illustrate pragmatic as well as theoretical considerations.

Presenters: Judith Brisman, Ph.D.; Susan Klebanoff, Ph.D.; Emily Kuriloff, Psy.D.

Dr. Brisman is looking forward to visiting the Eating Recovery Center in Denver at the end of May. Take a look at this world renown treatment program. Located in Denver, Colorado, Eating Recovery Center is an international center for eating disorders recovery providing comprehensive treatment for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS).

On behalf of the William Alanson White Institute, we warmly invite you to participate in a day long exploration of the Unknowable, the Unspeakable and the Unsprung. We have chosen the icon of Medusa for our conference as Medusa represents that which may not be represented. She wanders through territory that belongs to both death and life, male and female, order and chaos, and the visible and the invisible. Medusa is literally and figuratively an ambiguous being. This conference was created with an eye towards speaking about subjects that patients and analysts are often hesitant to address or speak about head on. Like Medusa, we live in a world of ambiguity, beauty, jealousy, trauma and the unbidden… We invite you to join us, and our extensive panel of prominent analysts and invited guests, as we attempt to put words, thoughts, and feelings to the unknown, the unspoken and the unsprung.

Panel Topics Include: Sex, Lies, Scandal, Gossip, Politics, The Body, Obesity, Privacy, Failure, Stuckness, The Uncanny, Mortality, Violence, Otherness, And Clinical Conundrums
Keynote Speakers: Adam Phillips & Andrew Solomon